Welcome to Healthy Living
We are dedicated to assisting you achieve your healthy living goals for your family. A healthy lifestyle consists of a well-balanced diet, maintaining a normal weight to height ratio and exercise. We all know that in today's busy world, it is getting harder to do all three of those things. We are proud to offer some assistance in helping your family maintain or achieve the healthy lifestyle that you desire.
"Nutrition is very important for everyone, but it is especially important for children because it is directly linked to all aspects of their growth and development; factors which will have direct ties to their level of health as adults. For example, a child with the right balance of omega fatty acids in their daily diet has a much better chance at creating a more solid foundation for their brain activity and capabilities later on. Likewise, a child who practices a low fat and cholesterol diet on a daily basis significantly improves their chances of preventing a heart attack; even if heart disease tends to be hereditary within your family.
You will also help promote a better quality of life if you instill proper nutrition trends in your children. It will allow them to partake in more activities and with greater enjoyment. People with high levels of health also consistently report that they enjoy elevated feelings of wellness and wellbeing. As part of this, children are also able to fight off colds with improved efficiency with the support of proper nutrition. And this brings up a vital point in communication with your children: You should always be on the lookout for different ways to make solid connections for your children. You can picture it in your mind like a web diagram, connecting major points with a line for your children to better understand issues. If you actually explain to your child that they won't have to suffer through those nasty colds nearly as much if they maintain healthy diet.
Another huge reason why nutrition is so important for children is because they simply don't know enough on their own to naturally choose to eat well. Unfortunately, the foods and snacks that taste the best are usually the worst for our bodies, and a child left to their on whim will almost always choose junk food over fruits and vegetables. Provide them with the right nutrition now and they will learn at an early age what's necessary for good health. This will also help to set them up for a life of proper eating and nutrition, almost certainly helping them to live longer. Countless studies show that what someone learns as a child is then perpetuated throughout their life. Teach them healthy eating habits now and you'll perpetuate a healthy lifestyle for them and put them on autopilot on their way to lasting wellness. " Childrensheartcenter.org"We understand that no matter how hard you try; sometimes children do not get in all the healthy foods that they need. (We are parents too! We understand.) That is why we are proud to offer Juice Plus+, a whole food based supplement, to fill in the gaps. "Juice Plus+ is not a vitamin supplement, providing a limited number of handpicked nutrients. Juice Plus+ is a whole food based product providing the wide array of nutrients found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains. It's the next best thing to fruits and vegetables...because we don't get nearly enough of the real thing every day." -Juice Plus+ website
Please call the office or set up an appointment to find out how Juice Plus + can help your child (or you!). -
10 Tips for a Healthful Meal from Choosemyplate.gov
1. Make 1/2 the plate fruits and veggies- try to make a rainbow of colors
2. Add lean protein- lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey, seafood, beans or tofu
3. Include whole grains- read the ingredients for 100% whole grain or 100% whole wheat
4. Don't forget the dairy- children over 2 years old can eat and drink low fat dairy products
5. Avoid extra fat- including sauces, gravies and creams
6. Take your time- eating too quickly can cause you to over eat
7. Use a smaller plate to help with portion control
8. Eat at home- it is easier to control the food at home
9. Try new foods- that way, no one gets bored with the same old foods
10. Satisfy your sweet tooth- with fruit, yogurt, baked fruit with no added sugar -
How much my child should be eating and what should they eat and drink?
Start by reading the food labels. Make sure your child has a healthy breakfast to start the day out right.
Toddlers age 1-3 years should get 19 grams of fiber each day and children 4-8 years should get 25 grams of fiber a day. Older boys age 9-13 years should get 31 grams and teen boys age 14-18 years should get 38 grams per day. Older girls and teens should get 26 grams of fiber a day. A high-fiber food has 5 grams or more of fiber per serving and a good source of fiber is one that provides 2.5 to 4.9 grams per serving. Fiber Sources Up to 60% of a child's total calories should come from carbohydrates. The best sources are fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Children 1-3 years old should get 30%-40% of calories from fat; kids and teens 4-18 years old should get 25%-30% of calories from fat.
Anywhere from 10%-20% of the calories that kids consume each day should come from protein. Many children are vegetarians, but they still need to get their protein too.
The American Heart Association recommends that kids eat less than 6.5 teaspoons or 100 calories from sugar each day. But according to a poll in Family Circle, the average teen takes in about 34 teaspoons of sugar, or 500 calories worth, each day. Most parents know that if the first ingredient listed on a food's nutrition label is sugar, it's probably not a good bet for their kids. But what about maltose, sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, molasses, cane sugar, corn sweetener, raw sugar or fruit juice concentrate? All of these ingredients are still sugar, and you should keep an eye on your kid's consumption. How much sugar is in your child's diet? -
Daily Estimated Calories and Recommended Servings
Daily Estimated Calories and Recommended Servings for Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Milk/Dairy by Age and Gender (Please speak with your child's pediatrician for a more personalized breakdown.)
Start in Infancy
- Breast-feeding is ideal nutrition and sufficient to support optimal growth and development for about the first 4-6 months after birth. Try to maintain breast-feeding for 12 months. Transition to other sources of nutrients should begin at about 4-6 months of age to ensure sufficient micronutrients in the diet.
- Delay introducing 100 percent juice until at least 6 months of age and limit to no more than 4-6 oz/day. Juice should only be fed from a cup.
- Don't overfeed infants and young children - they can usually self-regulate the amount of calories they need each day. Children shouldn't be forced to finish meals if they aren't hungry as they often vary caloric intake from meal to meal.
- Introduce healthy foods and keep offering them if they're initially refused. Don't introduce foods without overall nutritional value simply to provide calories.. -
The American Heart Association recommends this eating pattern for families:
- Energy (calories) should be adequate to support growth and development and to reach or maintain desirable body weight.
- Eat foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, salt (sodium), and added sugars.
- Keep total fat intake between 30 to 35 percent of calories for children 2 to 3 years of age and between 25 to 35 percent of calories for children and adolescents 4 to 18 years of age, with most fats coming from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils.
- Choose a variety of foods to get enough carbohydrates, protein and other nutrients.
- Eat only enough calories to maintain a healthy weight for your height and build. Be physically active for at least 60 minutes a day.
- Serve whole-grain/high-fiber breads and cereals rather than refined grain products. Look for "whole grain" as the first ingredient on the food label and make at least half your grain servings whole grain. Recommended grain intake ranges from 2 oz./day for a one-year-old to 7 oz./day for a 14-18-year-old boy.
- Serve a variety of fruits and vegetables daily, while limiting juice intake. Each meal should contain at least 1 fruit or vegetable. Children's recommended fruit intake ranges from 1 cup/day, between ages 1 and 3, to 2 cups for a 14-18-year-old boy. Recommended vegetable intake ranges from 3/4 cup a day at age one to 3 cups for a 14-18-year-old boy.
- Introduce and regularly serve fish as an entree. Avoid commercially fried fish.
- Serve fat-free and low-fat dairy foods. From ages 1-8, children need 2 cups of milk or its equivalent each day. Children ages 9-18 need 3 cups.
- Don't overfeed. Estimated calories needed by children range from 900/day for a 1-year-old to 1,800 for a 14-18-year-old girl and 2,200 for a 14-18-year-old boy.
This eating pattern supports a child's normal growth and development. It provides enough total energy and meets or exceeds the recommended daily allowances for all nutrients for children and adolescents, including iron and calcium. We understand that no matter how hard you try; sometimes children do not get in all the healthy foods that they need. (We are parents too! We understand.) That is why we are proud to offer Juice Plus+, a whole food based supplement, to fill in the gaps. "Juice Plus+ is not a vitamin supplement, providing a limited number of handpicked nutrients. Juice Plus+ is a whole food based product providing the wide array of nutrients found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains. It's the next best thing to fruits and vegetables...because we don't get nearly enough of the real thing every day._ (taken from the website)
Please call the office or set up an appointment to find out how Juice Plus + can help your child (or you!). -
Healthy Snack Ideas
Healthy Snacks for Kids: from Whattoexpect.com and Familycorner.com
Is your tot too busy - or full - to eat much at mealtime? Healthy snacks help toddlers get the nutrients they need to grow big and strong. Need some healthy snack ideas? Try these the next time your toddler is hankering for a bite to eat:
- Ants on a log - spread peanut butter on celery sticks and sprinkle them with raisins (Experts used to recommend waiting to serve peanuts until a child was age two or three - to help prevent a peanut allergy. But now, experts believe there may be no benefit to waiting that long. Talk with your pediatrician about when you should offer your tot peanuts and other allergenic foods, especially if food allergies run in your family.)
- Whole-grain tortilla chips topped with veggies, salsa, and shredded cheese, alongside guacamole for dipping
- Apple slices with string cheese or peanut butter (if your pediatrician says it's okay to introduce peanuts to your toddler now)
- Frozen no-sugar-added fruit bars with a glass of milk
- Berries topped with a smidge of low-fat frozen yogurt
- Crinkle-cut carrot "chips" with hummus
- Whole-wheat pita-bread triangles or baked wheat crackers with melted reduced-fat cheese for dipping
- Dip a banana in yogurt, roll it in crushed cereal, and freeze it for a tasty frozen snack
- Whole-wheat tortilla chips with bean dip
- Low-fat yogurt topped with granola and fresh or dried fruit
- Cottage cheese with cut-up peaches, nectarines, pineapple, or bananas
- Whole grain, fiber-rich cereal with (or without) milk
- Graham crackers with applesauce for dipping
- Yogurt smoothie made with low-fat yogurt, milk, ice, and any fruit (toddler favorites include bananas, strawberries, blueberries, and cantaloupe)
- Baked whole-grain crackers with almond butter, and four to six ounces of 100 percent fruit juice (you could also dilute the fruit juice in carbonated soda water to give your toddler a fizzy, fruity drink)
- Canned salmon mixed with low-fat mayo and spread on baked whole-grain crackers or celery stalks
- A graham cracker sandwich filled with a scoop of frozen yogurt and sliced bananas
- A small baked potato with melted reduced-fat cheese and salsa
- Graham cracker with low-fat cream cheese, along with four to six ounces of 100 percent juice (you might consider diluting the juice to make it last longer and to cut the sugar quotient)
- Whole-grain pretzels, soy crisps, baked pita chips, or rice cakes with a slice of cheese
- Cucumbers, celery, or red peppers with low-fat dressing for dipping
- All-fruit fruit leather with a glass of milk
- Mix one cup of whole-grain oat cereal with 1/4 cup chopped walnuts and 1/4 cup dried cranberries for a healthy trail mix
1. whole wheat crackers and toppings
- try sliced cheese, cream cheese, egg salad, tuna salad, peanut butter, peanut butter and jelly, or pepperoni. Make your own Lunchables by layering ham or turkey and cheese!
2. celery and/or carrots with dip
- popular dips among kids may include ranch, hummus, creamy italian dressing, bean dip, cream cheese, and other soft cheeses. Try other raw vegetables too, like cucumbers, zucchini and bell pepper slices.
3. fresh fruit
- different varieties of melon cut into chunks, whole strawberries and pineapple wedges are fun and colorful. Use rounded toothpicks to let kids make their own kabobs or mix several fruits together to make a quick fruit salad; add a dollop of fat free whipped topping.
4. apple slices and dip - use an apple slicer or cut into slices with a knife and sprinkle with a little lemon juice to keep them from turning brown. Serve with peanut butter, fat free whipped topping, yogurt, sugar free caramel dip, or other fruit dips.
5. tortilla roll ups and pinwheels - spread with peanut butter or peanut butter and jelly, roll up then slice into 1" pieces to make pinwheels. use a layer of cream cheese and a slice or two of turkey or ham, or layer with spreadable cheese and various vegetables, roll up and eat.
6. trail mix - make your own by mixing together peanuts, raisins, chocolate chips, mini pretzels, granola, and other sweet and salty ingredients. Keep the high sugar sweets to a minimum.
7. granola & yogurt - granola makes a great snack on its own, but it's also very tasty when you stir it into a container of yogurt. Look for different flavors available at your local grocer. 8. cheese sticks - String cheese is very popular with kids. You can also find colby sticks and cheddar sticks at the store. You can also cut your own from any of your favorite cheeses!
9. pretzel sticks & cheese - cut your child's favorite cheese(s) into cubes and give him pretzel sticks to pick them up with. Safer than toothpicks and edible too. You can also try dipping pretzels in cheese sauce or bean dip.
10. popcorn - make the light butter or unbuttered kind and sprinkle with parmesan cheese while it's still hot. Try season salt, cinnamon sugar, and anything else you can think of to spice it up.
11. cheese quesadillas - sandwich shredded or packaged sliced cheese in between two tortillas. Heat in the microwave until cheese is melted. For younger kids with smaller appetites, use only one tortilla, layer half of it with cheese, fold over and heat.
12. mini pizzas - spread tomato paste or spaghetti sauce onto a toasted english muffin, sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese and any other toppings you like. Heat in the broiler for a minute or two until cheese is bubbly.
13. quick breads and muffins - best when made from scratch, these are wonderful when popped into the microwave for a few seconds and dotted with a little butter. Muffins and quick breads are easy to make and there are many varieties including zucchini, banana, blueberry, and more.
14. smoothies - a great way to sneak in extra dairy and fruit. Pour 1 cup of milk into a blender, add enough frozen fruit to reach top of milk, add an 8 ounce container of yogurt, blend until smooth. Mix and match flavors, try frozen pineapple and vanilla yogurt, frozen strawberries and banana yogurt, or frozen cherries and cherry yogurt.
15. bagels, toast, english muffins - spread bagels with different flavored cream cheese and cut into bite sized wedges. Make toast and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, cut into triangles. Toast an english muffin and spread with peanut butter and jelly or layer with a slice of cheese.
16. cereal - toasted "O's", fruit circles, and other finger cereals and great as a snack. You don't have to limit a bowl of cereal to breakfast, this makes a fun and different snack for hungry kids as well.
17. yogurt - keep a variety of flavored yogurts, containers, squeezable and drinkable are all available.
18. bananas and peanut butter - slice a banana lengthwise down the middle. Spread each slice with peanut butter. Cut into bite size pieces and serve with round toothpicks or pretzels.
19. parfaits - layer fresh cut up fruit with yogurt and a little granola. Your kids will think they are getting dessert!
20. sugar free gelatin and puddings - if you do need a quick to grab snack sugar free gelatins and puddings are much better than a handful of chocolate cookies. Keep a small supply on hand and out of reach.
21. rice cakes - serve plain or spread with peanut butter or Nutella (chocolate and hazelnut spread). Rice cakes come in many varieties and flavors.
22. pita wedges & hummus - cut a pita pocket into small wedges, warm in the microwave and spread with cream cheese or your favorite hummus.
23. graham crackers - graham crackers are a tasty substitution for cookies. They are perfect for spreading peanut butter or dipping into applesauce.
24. tortilla chips & salsa - serve unsalted tortilla chips with homemade salsa. Mix together chopped tomato, chopped green onion, a little garlic salt and chopped fresh cilantro.
25. animal crackers - another great substitution for cookies
26. dried fruit - everyone knows about raisins, but don't forget all the other wonderful dried fruits available. Dried cranberries, plums, mangos and other tropical fruits are sweet like candy. Due to their natural sugar content they should be served in moderation but definitely in place of processed sweets.
27. bread - bread sticks fresh from the oven are yummy, as are sliced pieces of french bread with cream cheese, or bread and butter cut into squares and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar or garlic salt.
28. cereal & granola bars - another great option for quick grab and go snacks, cereal and granola bars come in a wide variety of flavors.
29. applesauce - you'd be surprised at the different flavors available in applesauce these days!
30. pita pocket stuffers - fill pita pockets with cheese and ham, turkey and lettuce, or even bananas and peanut butter -
Ideal Weight to Height
Maintaining an ideal weight for height is important for everyone, including children. "Childhood obesity can have a harmful effect on the body in a variety of ways. Obese children are more likely to have:
- High blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). In one study, 70% of obese children had at least one CVD risk factor, and 39% had two or more.
- Increased risk of impaired glucose tolerance, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
- Breathing problems, such as sleep apnea, and asthma.
- Joint problems and musculoskeletal discomfort.
- Fatty liver disease, gallstones, and gastro-esophageal reflux (i.e., heartburn).
- Obese children and adolescents have a greater risk of social and psychological problems, such as discrimination and poor self-esteem, which can continue into adulthood.
- Obese children are more likely to become obese adults. Adult obesity is associated with a number of serious health conditions including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. If children are overweight, obesity in adulthood is likely to be more severe." http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/childhood/basics.html
The most important aspects of weight management is a nutritious diet, family involvement and exercise. Sometimes, people need a little extra help in controlling their weight. Neighborhood Pediatrics is able to offer weight management appointments and counseling. If you feel that your child or family needs a little bit more than that, Bios Life Slim, a natural fiber based weight-loss drink safe for children, may be the solution that you need. Bios Life Slim helps in many ways. It helps to slow the rate of absorption of the carbohydrates so they can be used by the body instead of turning into fat. It also helps to curb hunger and therefore excessive eating. Please call the office for more information. -
What types of exercises can children do and how do you motivate them to do it?
- One of the best things you can do for your child is to limit TV time. Instead, suggest playing tag, having foot races, skating and playing other active games. Encourage your child to join school and community sports teams. Take the whole family on walks and bike rides whenever possible. Playing organized sports or martial arts, while helpful for personal growth and self esteem, do not provide enough exercise to help a child lose weight, so find ways to add more activity to their day.
- By encouraging physical activity and involving the whole family, your child is more likely to continue an active lifestyle as he or she matures. http://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/kids/eating-nutrition/overeating/weight-issues-in-children.html
The Many Benefits of Exercise
Everyone can benefit from regular exercise. Kids who are active will:
have stronger muscles and bones
have a leaner body because exercise helps control body fat
be less likely to become overweight
decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
possibly lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels
have a better outlook on life
Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit sleep better and are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges - from running to catch a bus to studying for a test. http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/staying_fit/exercise.html
Remember, it is important to stay fit and exercise! - Resources

